Terms & Conditions
1. Offer is valid until 31 March 2025.
2. Package quoted in Ringgit Malaysia (MYR) nett.
3. The above rate quoted is subject to change without prior notice.
4. Surcharge of RM 30 per room per night will be imposed during Malaysian Public Holidays and Malaysian School Holidays.
5. Booking must be made 60 working days prior to arrival date and full payment is required upon confirmation.
6. Full refund will be granted for cancellations made more than 50 working days prior to arrival. 50% refund for cancellations made more than 30 working days prior to arrival. No refunds for cancellations made less than 30 working days prior to arrival, events related to no show, or any goods or services that are not utilised.
7. Anyone participating in any tours of holidays organised by the company shall be regarded in every respect as carrying his/her own risk to loss or injury to person or property. The company does not accept responsibility for losses or expenses due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes, or other travellers. The company reserves the right to alter routes, timetables, itineraries and accommodation reserved as and when necessary or in the case of force majeure.